Showing 9-10 of 10 results for "#Javascript"

One month in

Published by Joe on Sept 21, 2015 at 11:00am

So it’s the fourth week that I’ve been working with Antelle, the past 4 weeks seem to have gone by in a flash of HTML, CSS and JavaScript. In the three weeks since I last posted a lot has happened in regards to training, much has been learned, and I feel like I’m settling down into the office and getting used to the environment.


Pluralsight and Javascript

Published by Ben on Sept 21, 2015 at 10:17am

Since the last blog post things have definitely moved quickly again.  It’s been just over two weeks and the pace has slowed slightly since last time.  We had another task and another deadline.  Similar to being thrown at HTML and CSS with our responsive design templates we were set for a crash course in JavaScript in order to validate an HTML form.  Most of this was simply checking if there was indeed something written in some text boxes.


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